The Chairperson of the Credit Union Commission may appoint ad hoc committees comprised of Commission members or other individuals for evaluating industry methods or problems and presenting formal recommendations to the Commission. The Commission currently has three standing committees as detailed in the following links: All committee meetings are open to the public. The meeting times and agendas for each meeting are published in the Texas Register and on this website approximately ten days in advance of the meeting date.
Rules Committee
The purpose of the Committee is to conduct thorough deliberations and scrutiny of proposed rulemaking and assigned projects, and to bring to the Commission the results of its deliberations and its recommendation for Commission action.
Responsibilities and Duties
In furtherance of the Committee’s purpose, and in addition to any other responsibilities that may be assigned to it from time to time by the Commission, the Committee shall have the following responsibilities and duties:
- Develop and review the administrative rules in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act and the Government Code.
- Create a forum to discuss rulemaking matters at a more detailed level than could be accomplished at regular Commission meetings.
- Make recommendations to the Commission with respect to the adoption, amendment, or repeal of administrative rules.
The Commission Chair shall appoint a Rules Committee of at least three members, and shall designate one member as Chair. The Commission Chair will serve as an ex-officio member of this committee.
The committee is a standing committee of the Commission.
Liz Bayless, Chair
David Shurtz
Becky Ames
Jim Minge, Ex-officio
Commissioner Evaluation Committee
The purpose of the Committee shall be to coordinate the annual evaluation of the Commissioner’s performance and to oversee the development and maintenance of a Commissioner succession plan:
Responsibilities and Duties:
In furtherance of the Committee’s purpose, and in addition to any other responsibilities that may be assigned to it from time to time by the Commission, the Committee shall have the following responsibilities and duties:
- Develop and review periodically the evaluation form to be used for the Commissioner’s evaluation.
- Establish the policies and procedures that will be used to carry out the Commissioner’s performance review.
- Prepare the Commissioner’s evaluation for the Commission’s review, comment, and revision, with the intent to accomplish the following:
- Clarify the Commissioner’s leadership and management role as viewed by the Commission.
- Maintain a harmonious working relationship between the Commission and the Commissioner.
- Assure the Commission that the Department is being effectively administered by the Commissioner.
- Make recommendations to the Commission with respect to the establishment of performance standards for the coming fiscal year.
- Make recommendations to the Commission on the Commissioner’s remuneration.
- Oversee the Department’s succession plan for the Commissioner’s position, including policies and procedures for new Commissioner selection, as well as policies regarding succession in the event of an emergency.
The Commission Chair shall appoint a Commissioner Evaluation Committee of at least three members, and shall designate one member as Chair. The Commission Chair will serve as an ex-officio member of this committee.
The committee is a standing committee of the Commission.
Karyn Brownlee, Chair
Kay Swan
Beckie Stockstill Cobb
Jim Minge, Ex-officio
Audit Committee
The purpose of the Committee is to implement and oversee an independent audit program of the Department’s financial reporting process.
Responsibilities and Duties
In furtherance of the Committee’s purpose, and in addition to any other responsibilities that may be assigned to it from time to time by the Commission, the Committee shall have the following responsibilities and duties:
- Recommend to the Commission for approval of the development, implementation and performance monitoring of an independent audit plan.
- Recommend to the Commission for approval and oversight of appropriately qualified vendors to audit the Department.Encourage and facilitate cooperation between auditors hired by the Commission and auditors assigned by other state agencies to audit the Department.
- Recommend to the Commission for approval a solicitation document, a vendor, or a contract for auditing services only if the solicitation document, vendor’s proposal, or the proposed contract, as applicable, includes a clause that requires the selected vendor to cooperate with an auditor assigned by a state agency to audit the Department, and only if it includes any other clauses required by the Commission.
The Commission Chair shall appoint an Audit Committee of at least three members, and shall designate one member as Chair. The Commission Chair will serve as an ex-officio member of this committee.
The committee is a standing committee of the Commission
Beckie Stockstill Cobb, Chair
Cody Huggins
David Bleazard
Jim Minge, Ex-officio